October 1999's
Glue of the Month

Kryolan Spirit Gum

October's glue of the month is the glue you will need to glue beards to your chin, mustaches to your lips and prosthetics to ... Kryolan's spirit gum is an adhesive especially for make-up and special effects. It comes in a water soluble formula which is ideal for children or a mastic resin formula that requires a Spirit gum remover/thinner. You can use rubbing alcohol to remove, but check first for allergies. It is a very specialized adhesive that will come in handy for this time of the year, but then has few other uses. Spirit gum is available at theatrical supply store, make-up and costume shops, and dance supply stores. It retails for approximately C$16-$17 for a 1oz. jar.

To learn more about make up and special effects supplies see: www.fxsupply.com

Past Glues of the Month

If you've discovered a glue that you've grown attached to, please let us know. Maybe we can honor your glue in a future month.

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